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About Us

Focused Phoenix Design is a trendsetting online store, offering our first-rate, made-to-order products and exceptional customer service to shoppers from the comfort of their own homes. We’re a business made up of innovators and forward-thinkers, with the drive and wherewithal to constantly update and improve the online shopping experience.

We are driven forward by passion and fueled by giving back. In a world that races around us, we create products that capture memorable moments and provide you with thoughtful gifts that can be treasured for years to come.


Made in the USA with attention to detail and care, 10% of our proceeds go back to help others in need.

Our online store has become synonymous with quality, and we ensure a continuous variety of fantastic products. Browse through our product gallery. More items will be added periodically. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with questions, comments, suggestions, or special requests.

We look forward to helping you add that personalized touch to your home.

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Get to Know Us

Buy One, Plant One



We are in this industry because we are creators first and foremost. We build, not destroy. It bothers us to have a pile of scrap wood next to a laser machine that is ready to be discarded, even though all efforts are used to repurpose these scraps. It puts stress on our environment, which is why we feel it is important to give back and plant a tree in honor of your recent purchase. It’s that simple. BUY ONE, PLANT ONE. Now you will have the peace of mind when purchasing from us that the wood used has been replaced in to the environment from which it came. By no means is it a perfect solution, but with the support of our company we can make a difference.


For more information, please visit

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